
Monday, 29 April 2013

New Family member !!

31.03.13 kami sekeluarga telah menerima seorang lagi family member yang baru!! yeay..she is my sister in law punye anak.Alahamdulillah..bertambah besar family kami.My sister in law ni kawin last year.then this year da bertiga da.hehe takpe murah rezeki.Masa Shaira ni kawen memang sangat-sangat meriah.Sebab da lama da family kami takde orang kawen.So we all a bit excited :)

Masa sanding,cantikkan??Nampak lagi cantik dengan pemakaian PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET

ni lepas nikah :) Semoga bahagia hingga ke syurga.aamiin..

Baby baru ni diberi nama Ikhlas Mikhayla :) sangat sweet nama tu sama macam orangnya..
I baru tengok sekali je.My hubby blm tengok lagi since die sangat busy menjelang PRU 13 ni :) Baby Mikhayla lahir secara normal & sangat tak banyak ragam.Masa i visit ari tu pun die tido je.Comel betul.Rasa nak beranak je lagi.Tapi bile tengok Adriana and Danial bergaduh.hadoooiii..takpe la.tunggu 
dulu la..hehehe.

Ikhlas Mikhayla tido sangat comel :)

Ikhlas Mikhayla tido lagi :)

So sekarang ni momy mikhayla tengah dalam pantang la.And she's the one of PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET consumer :) memang betul la kite ni kalau pantang suruh la pakai bengkung yang panjang berjela tu,confirm lepas buang air da tak pakai da.tapi dengan penggunaan premium beautiful kite rase selesa nak pakai pun senang,susu banyak,badan solid balik,strech mark hilang.macam-macam lagi la :) try and feel it yourself :)

bengkung tradisional v.s PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL

Untong dady mikhayla nanti :)Mommy die solid molid balik. baby mikhayla pun untong sebab dapat susu banyak!!yeay..Semoga baby Mikhayla jadi anak yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat..aamiin..:)

Sunday, 28 April 2013


having to work from home is the most best thing that i ever imagine.Sebab i boleh spend a lot of time dengan my kids.Trust me bile budak baru nak membesar memang sangat crucial kite kena spend time dengan diorang.Sebab kasih sayang yang kita bagi tak sama kan dengan baby sitter bagi.You've got the freedom to do what you want when you want. Running a successful work from home business only requires dedication, enthusiasm, hard work and above all, plenty of self motivation.After all tak de boss yang nak nagging kite kenapa banyak ambik cuti,kenapa slalu half day.Memang bile you da ada anak ade time yg you kena ambik EL,half day dll.Tapi bila u start bekerja dari rumah you sendiri tau manage your own time plus your own goal!! berapa income you nak dapat untuk bulan ni semua terpulang pada you.Nak dengan tak nak je :)

my back bone :))

Here are my top 5 self motivation tips:

1. Decide On Your Goals And Write Them Down
  • 5 figures monthly income (in 4-6 months time from now!)
  • Personal savings and insurance for me,kids n hubby
  • Holiday trips (FOC)
  • Getting new car (with car fund from company)
  • Crown Diamond Manager (in 1-2 years time from now!)
  • Get my own house (since i duduk kuartes)

2. Don't Let Your Feelings Get In The Way

When the only person you have to answer to is yourself, make sure the messages you're hearing are the right ones. Hitting the Snooze button is not going to make you or your home based business a success, so no matter how you feel, get up and do it anyway! Even really bad morning people find their motivation levels rise once they get started, regardless of how they felt earlier in the day.(i selalu rasa cam ni,tapi bile i imagine my life in couple of years terus rase motivated)

3. Jangan bertangguh

jangan bertangguh,lagi kita bertangguh kita sebenarnya membuang masa dan akan lebih ramai orang yang berjaya dan kita akan ketinggalan.'Kita kena sentiasa list down our priorty.Dulukan yang perlu didulukan itu akan buatkan jadual kita lebih tersusun. People with work from home businesses, particularly Internet businesses, can find it difficult to set up a daily schedule because every day is different. The aim is to prioritize your tasks, giving the highest priority to those activities that will make you money. 

4. Reward Yourself !!

You need to be able to reward yourself for your efforts. Your self motivation will increase enormously if you give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Most of us love to shop! Yes, after the hard work, you deserve it. Go and buy yourself something that you really love and it will make you feel great. 


5. Have Fun!

Learning to enjoy yourself while you work keeps you enthusiastic and motivated, and staying enthusiastic and motivated helps you keep your stress levels under control.



Friday, 26 April 2013

Steam Fish for Adriana ~~

Hari ni da masuk hari ke 4 Adriana kena chiken pox.and adriana jadi sangat la grumpy.Sikit je marah,nangis and jerit-jerit.Sangat la menguji kesabaran i sebagai mommy.Sikit je lagi i pun boleh bertukar hijau (Hulk) :))

grumpy Adriana

So hari ni i masak special for Adriana since dari hari tu sikit je die makan nasi.Tapi minum susu je.Steam fish.i kongsi dengan you all semua resepi dia ya :)

Steam fish mama mia

bahan-bahan :

  • ikan (siakap,merah,kembong dll)
  • bawang merah
  • bawang putih
  • halia
  • serai
  • cili api/cili merah
  • daun limau purut
  • kiub tom yam
  • air asam jawa
  • garam secukup rasa (nak sedap pakai garam buluh.Ni takde kat kedai.Nak order kat i)
*semua bahan di atas agak-agak je,tengok banyak mana ikan.

cara-caranya :

Pertama sekali jangan lupa purify ikan tadi.Sebab kita nak singkirkan segala fatty acid dan toksid-toksid dalam ikan.

ikan yang sedang dipurify.Buih-buih tu adalah segala toksid yang ade dari ikan..eeeuuuwww.

Da setle purify bahan lain just racik-racik je.Simple je.Da racik masuk semua dalam ikan tadi.Letak garam secukup rasa,air asam jawa pun letak secukup rasa.Pastu tabur kan kiub tomyam tadi.

bahan-bahan racik

kalau suke boleh jugak bubuh sayur-sayuran.Ape-ape pun boleh.Cendawan,pak choy,carrot,Brokoli dll.Tapi make sure purify dulu tau.Nanti sayuran kita akan lebih fresh and jadi lebih rangup.

So kukus je sampai masak.Agak-agak je time kukus tu.Lepas tu da blh dihidang.Simple dan sedap.Sesuai untuk yang tak banyak masa nak masak,yang terkejar-kejar dengan anak,dll :))

sebelum kukus :)

tengah kukus :)

selamat mencuba :)

** Yes, I'm one of Premium Beautiful Agent.. 
selain dari corset, mcm2 lagi health product yg ade. 
One of them, GARAM BULUH..
ade garam untuk masak and also garam untuk siap minum in sachet!

Garam buluh @ Bamboo Salt.
Good for your health..good for the whole family!

ORDER now?


ambrina sabtu.


Tadi i ada terbaca satu keratan akhbar tentang penyakit2 berat2 ni..Macam2 penyakit da ade sekarang ni sampai nak sebut pun berbelit lidah..Dan yang paling kesian ni selalunya budak-budak pun boleh kena penyakit kronik ni macam kencing manis,buah pinggang,kanser and many more..
i ade pengalaman pasal budak umor 8 years tapi da ade penyakit buah pinggang..masa tu i study one day my friend kena admitted kat Hospital Tuanku Jaafar sebab kami pun datang la konon nak bertentangan dengan katil kawan i tu ade budak perempuan 8 tahun yg tengah baring je..then kawan i pun cerita dekat i yang that girl rosak dua-dua buah pinggang die and kena cuci darah 3 kali seminggu..i macam terkejut la sebab she is so young..yang tua2 tu i quite understand la since my father also ade problem macam tu..tapi she is young..

so dalam article tu tulis kebanyakan berpunca dari pemakanan..macam jenis bahan kimia yang di sumbat dalam makan kite sekarang lagi fast food..i pun perasan bila i makan fast food i akan sakit kepala..maybe da tua kot :))

Dalam chicken, fish and beef ada growth hormones, dalam bottled juices adaartificial flavors and colorings. And not to forget even in our vegetables and fruits now ni pun penuh dengan pesticides or racun serangga. 

In other words, today's food are no longer safe for us. 
bayangkan every day kita consume all these things..lame kelamaan memang akan jadi benda tak baik pada badan kita..

All of us already knew these facts, yet nothing can be done.

organik food memang jawapan kepada masalah yang ade sekarang tapi berapa ramai yang mampu nak beli makanan organik ni tiap hari?? The best we can do is to minimize the harmful effects by purifyingand detoxifying our food prior to having them on our plates. 

How to minimize the harmful effects of engineered hormones, artificial flavors and colorings in our food? 



Why choose BIOzone Food Purifier?

  • Safe
  • Effectively removes contaminants in the food and retain food nutrients.
  • Effectively preserve food freshness and remove foul odour.
  • Multi-functional purification on food : Meat / Fruits / Vegetables / Seafood / Herbs
  • Consistent ozone output and environmentally-friendly.

How BIOzone Food Purifier Works?

  • BIOzone Food Purifier uses a proprietary process integrating ozone-resistant materials to convert oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). 

  • The ozone that eliminates contaminants will be converted back into oxygen. The medical grade silicone tube will then channel the ozone into the water where the food is immersed. 

  • Bubbling process will take place to purify the food within the pre-determined time frame. 

*see yourself from the pictures below..
what we had by eating chicken for so many years :

In few minutes,
You can see foam like substance appearing on top.
Looks like "fats" are on the bubbles... Now it starts to smell bad a little.

After 30 minutes,
Look at how much the "bubbles" have accumulated.

When we scooped it up. The texture is sticky.

Wipe it and try to burn it to see 

if this is just normal "bubbles" or something else?

haa kite nilaikan sendiri ni baru 1 hidangan ayam..what if for 1 year,5 years 10 yearsss setiap hari makan ayam??? hommmaaaiii tak tau la macam mana da benda alah ni terkumpul dalam badan kita kan??

*Special credit to HANISHAIZI.COM for the demo

WATCH Full Demo on the product here:

For more product info, demo and special price...

Contact Me Now !

012 2349672

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Chiken pox invation :-(

Assalammualaikum semua..agak lame gak i x update blog..huhu..sbb my kids kn chikenpox..hooommmaii..sgat menguji kesabaran..sebab diorang asyik merengek je..kesian sgt..
Mula danial dulu kn..die baru lpas kn injection mase tu..then esoknye die mlm tu die asyik ckp bahasa die la which i sorang je yg paham.:)) i tanye sakit kat mn..then he show me his leg..i ingat maybe sbb injection..then after a few days i nampak mcm ade i ingat nyamuk..then next day lagi i nampak lagi bintik but tempat lain la..ah mmg la chiken pox..skarang danial da ok..kakak pulak kn..

Kakak lg best..seminggu ms danial kn tu xde simptom pun..then one day opah bawak pg mlake..elok atuk die bawak gi orng kawen kat kl pastu balik kjap umah jumpe danial yg dlm healing proses tu..main semua..xlame pun..ade dlm couple hours je..pastu ikut atuk blk mlake..esoknye my mom in laws call ckp badan kakak pun da penuh..:(( i ape lg..berdesup pg ambik kakak kat kakak asyik merengek je..lg teruk dr danial..danial relax sbb danial punye x penuh 1 badan mcm kakak..sian diorang..nasib mommy da join GLAM ni..xde la asyik cuti je..thanks Allah sbab bukak mate i untuk buat business online ni..
Ok la..nnt i sambung lg ye..sbb i nak kn pg wat demo untuk biozone food purifier..nnt i cerita ape die biozone food purifier ni..k sayang2 semua..

danial dgn chikenpox nye :))
adriana dgn chikenpox nye :))

Ambrina sabtu♥♥

Sunday, 14 April 2013



  • A good INVESTMENT for every women from all ages
  • WITHOUT pill, diet, exercise, surgery & injection 


  •  Reduce Cellulite and stretch marks
  •  SHAPE UP your body and give a good posture
  •  FIRM UP breasts and buttocks
  •  DETOXIFY body
  •  Improves BLOOD  circulations
  •  Improve RESPIRATORY sistem
  •  Stabilize metabolic rate
  •  Regulate period flow and eliminate PERIOD PAIN
  •  Prevent the growth of CANCER cells 
  •  Prevent MIGRAINE and GASTRIC
  •  Helping people to CONCEIVE baby
  •  Reduce back pain and good for people having problem with SLIP DISC



  • The unique 3-piece dimensional clipping cups designed to push up, support and provide firmness to chest.
  • Steel cartilage effectively provides firmness and support.
  • Bi-layer depression and tightness designed to flatten abdomen and enhance breasts natural shape at optimum.
  • 2 ultra-soft wire coils help to slim down body, enhance and firm up body contour.
  • The design of bi-layer depression and tightness enables to the reshape of excessive fat around the back, thus to attain an attractive figure.
  • Unique ‘U’ shape at the back not only serves as slimming purpose, but also outlines the back contour effectively.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.


  • The 32-piece stereoscopic cutting design, based on ‘Fragmentary Pressure Compression Theory’ will effectively divert displaced fat to its original position.
  • Unique hip cup cutting and design will effectively rectify the sagging buttocks, enhance the hip curve and prop-up-hip.
  • Detached contour thigh and buttocks, divert excessive fat around the thigh into the hip cup, attaining attractive  hip contour.
  • Cotton on the waist of girdle provides comfort and enhances waist curve.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.
  • The fixed pressure compression at the abdomen reduces the excessive fat, thus to flatten the abdomen.
  • Bi-layer pressure compression design helps to adjust excessive fat around thighs, thus to develop slimmer legs.
  • Holey bi-layer cotton provides comfort while wearing
  • Flexible laces avoid any uncomfortable feeling.


  • Made of seven pieces of ‘smart technology’ wires. It provides support to waist comfortably as well as upholds the backbone and straightens postures firmly
  • The unique body-shape design, transfers the fat from waist to the breasts and buttocks accordingly, thus to create a perfect and well-balanced contour.
  • The imported string from Japan enables the forming of an exquisite waist contour.
  • The flexible cutting design creates a perfect contour individually.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.
  • Certified by American, Canadian, and Quebec Chiropractor Association.





Wednesday, 3 April 2013

first thing first ~~

Alhamdulillah..berjumpe lg kt kan?? da lame betul i tak update blog kan??dekat 3bulan gak la..

haaa dalam ms 3bulan ni macam2 da jd..hehe secara rasminya i da resign 3bulan yg jd fulltime housewife ;)) best sebenarnye jd housewife ni sbb semua benda kt yg handle kan?dr anak sampai la ke dapur..semua kt 24H..kot sehari 40H pun kt gak yg handle heee :)

tp cabaran die banyak sbb kt tgk anak membesar depan mate..kalau silap didikan habis lah kite :( tu yg i make sure anak2 i perlu dididik dr sekarang tak kire la untuk ape skalipun..secara tak lansung kt akan didik diri kita jugak sbb anak akan ikut ape yg parent ni buat..kalau kt ni jenis bercakap kasar anak sure ikut :( so yg penting diri sendiri..bak kate Prof Muhaya "Dunia dalaman sy menentukan dunia luaran sy" heee..

so nak cerita ape yg i buat skarang i mmg da start buat bisnes PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ni..alhamdulillah..tgh2 dok tercari2 ape nak buat untuk tambah income family..bukan nak ckp i ni gile sgt dgn duit,tp skrng ni semua benda mmg perlu duit..lagi ade anak yg nak membesar ni kan?kt mesti nak yg terbaik untuk anak kite..kalau boleh kt tak nak diorang susah mcm kt kan? sp yg da jd parents mesti faham ape yg i rase :) so dengan tekat yg bulat semangat yg kuat i join jugak biss ni..dgn harapan i blh ubah kehidupan i jd lebih baik..boleh happykan my family itu matlamat i..

i mmg da pakai PB ni lepas besalin anak yg no2 tu trus pakai sbb tak blh tahan la tgk badan sendiri..hadooooiii..sakit pejam mate terus order dg kawan i..pakai 3days je da cangkuk ke 2..waahhhh best ni..lpas pantang semua slua jeans lame yg tersorok terus blh pakai siap londeh2 lagi..hoho bangga kan??bagus rupenye PB ni..disamping tu naik kan rahim blk pd kedudukan asal,susu banyak,haaaa yg paling2 best strechmark lansung takde..weeee :)) kot tak ya Allah..takut tengok..sbb bb i mmg besar lahir2 4.1kg..normal ok..huhu so tu lg buat i yakin dgn biss PB ni..

sebenarnye da lame da my mentor aka my ex school mate MARLINDA RAMLEE ajak i join biss i ni je yg dok tunggu lagi..sbb ms tu kj mlas nak bl tengok mentor i yg kj tu pun blh sukses sampai resign kj gov itu yg buat i terpikir..kalau die blh buat kenape i tak blh??lpas perbincangan dgn suami tercinta ( cewwaaaahh ) die pun merestui..alhamdulillah..bermulalah new life yg berubah 100% 360 degree..tak susah pun metor yg akan guide kite..ikut je ape yg mentor ajar :))

semoga kt semua lbih sukses dan istiqamah dalam melakukan kerja yg baik:))
cari rezeki yg halal pun ibadat kan?hehe..alamak da lapa la..makan dulu lah..nasib biss ni flexibel suke2 hati nak makan,nak tido,nak shopping semua..ok la untill next time ye sayang2..:))

ambrina sabtu,