a few days ni kita memang asyik bercerita tentang haze atau jerebu aje kan? memang teruk sangat kali ni punye jerebu..last time yang teruk i rasa mase i blajar lagi that time memang teruk tapi skolah kat KL tak tutup rasenye..tapi this time memang sangat teruk..maybe sebab i da ade anak so kite rase lagi risau..yelah jerebu ni memang yang akan teruk effect die pada baby,kanak-kanak,warga emas,yang ada masalah pernafasan and pregnant woman..
so hari ni i nak kongsi effect of haze anad how you can protect yourself.
How Haze Can Affect Your Health
short-term adverse effects:
- Irritated eyes, watering eyes, and/or conjunctivitis (a type of eye inflammation)
- Running nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, and/or post-nasal drip
- Throat irritation, dry throat, sore throat and/or coughing
- Headache, dizziness, fatigue and/or stress
- Decreased lung function, depressed respiratory immune defenses, chest pain, and/or bronchitis (lung inflammation)
These symptoms are usually mild dan akan berkurangan bila kite kurangkan aktiviti luar and sentiasa stay indoor.Selain tu bataskan diri kite dengan jerebu tu jugak contoh sentiasa pakai face mask even nak buang sampah kat luar je pun :)
How to Protect Yourself from Haze
During a prolonged haze period when the air quality is poor, take the following precautions to protect yourself:
- Pay attention to local air quality updates. Recommended precautions you should take will usually be given in the form of advisories based on the latest air condition. So it is recommended that you check your local health authority’s website regularly for the latest air quality update.
- Avoid outdoor activities, especially outdoor sports. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those suffering from chronic illnesses, especially heart and respiratory disease, should remain indoor when the haze hits unhealthy levels. Healthy adults should avoid unnecessary outdoor activities. If you must exercise outdoor, avoid exercising in highly congested areas near busy roads and freeways, particularly during rush hours.
- Close all windows, doors and any openings that may allow haze to enter your home and office. Turn on the air conditioner if you have one. Note: If the weather is extremely hot, it can become dangerous if you stay indoor with all fresh air intake closed and has no air conditioner. In this case, seek alternative shelter.
- Use an air purifier to keep the particulate levels low. Choose an air purifier that is suitable for the size and type of your home. Avoid air cleaners that generate ozone as they will increase air pollution.
- Keep air conditioner in tip-top working condition with regular cleaning and servicing. Fine particles can enter an air-conditioned building through the fresh air intake and by infiltration through openings and gaps.
- If you are staying in a building with a central air conditioning system, install an air cleaning device. This helps to reduce the amount of air contaminants that may be circulating in your building.
- Take your medication regularly if you are suffering from an existing disease, especially heart disease and respiratory disease. If you feel breathless at any point in time, seek medical attention immediately.
- Drink more water and increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. They help the body to flush out toxins absorbed through the skin and lungs, and improve the immune system. Cut down on alcohol and coffee as they promote fluid loss and leach nutrients from the body.
- Limit or avoid smoking indoor and the use of gas stove, wood fireplace, candles, incense and anything that burns and emits smoke. In an enclosed area, smoke, gases and pollutants emitted from burning sources are trapped indoor and could build up to hazardous level if they continue to burn for an extended period of time.
- Avoid driving if visibility is bad. When visibility is severely limited by the haze, avoid driving and use the public transport if you really need to get around. If you cannot avoid driving, do not speed and drive at a speed that suits the conditions. Roll up all the windows, turn on the headlight and avoid changing lanes, passing and crossing traffic. Increase your following distance and stay alert.
- Under severe haze condition, wear a respirator if you must go outside. Respirators work better than surgical masks as they seal better and restrict more polluted air from entering the nose and mouth. They also come with the right filter to remove fine particles found in a haze. If you stayed indoor, but still experience haze-related conditions, it may be necessary to use respirators indoor as well.
So to all my friend stay healthy ya..tolong avoid any outside activity kalau tak penting..sebab tahap IPU udara masih belum bersih lagi even smalam memang banyak tempat hujan.. :) kalau kita tak jaga diri kita siapa nak jaga family kita kan?? so same-same kita berdoa agar jerebu ni hilang and same-same kita muhasabah diri sebab ape yang berlaku ni semua berpunca dari kita semua :)
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