
Thursday, 28 November 2013

The hidden story of..bakul baju :)

Haa..hari ni i nak cerita permainan kesukaan my kids..Ya Allah..sebanyak2 permainan yg papa n mommy beli tetap jugak danial n adriana nak main dgn bakul baju..semua toys die i akan letak dalam bakul ape yg diorng buat??diorng terbalikkan bakul keluarkan semua toys then ambik bakul jugak bawak main kat hall ni..adooiii..migrain mommy..

Nasib la da jadi part of xde la letih mcm mase keje ofis dulu..dulu bile balik dr ofis memang muke pun da stress semacam..sebab blk dari ofis tu la nak masak,kemas umah,laundry n siapkan barang anak2 nak ke nursey esoknye..uishhh memang penat..salute gile kat working mom kat luar sane!! Skarang i da ade TIME FREEDOM so korang terbalikkan la brape kali pun..hehe nnt mommy kemas balik..bia la umah bersepah pun itu tandanya kite masih punye anak-anak untuk kite jadikan kunci kite ke syurga :)

danial dengan bakul kesukaan :)

happy betul dapat duduk dalam bakul kan..

ni adriana dengan bakul kesayangan :)


tak dapat bakul laundry bag pun jadi la..

pick a boo :)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Hi guys..Assalammualaikum..
ramai sgt whataps i tanye ape bende la BIO VELOCITY SLEEP MATE hari ni i nak terang secara panjang lebar ok pasal BVSM tu :)

 What about BVSM? What is it? The healing power of BVSM can easily regain your balance and health. BVSM ni merupakan pelapik tilam yang disulam secara khusus untuk memenuhi keperluan setiap individu.. The BVSM helps to correct disharmonic vibration frequencies, counter and negate this pathology wave whilst amplifying the positive physiological waves which build up a healthy aura in our body.By influencing the energy flow, we remind the body of its natural state of health. A harmonious flow of life energy throughout the body is expressed physically in balanced cellular and biochemical activity and increases the overall activity of body and mind. When you wake up, you feel invigorated and energetic. For long term usage, it is beneficial to our body in terms of maintaining our health enhancing our immunity and the quality of life.

So semua orang pun blh pakai tau BVSM ni dari baby sampai la atuk baby hehe :) i panggil tilam magic..sebab kalau pakai time tido malam je esok pagi2 bangun memang cergas je..sebab die da lancarkan perjalanan darah tido tu da macam orang pengsan :) so abang2 yg mengadu penat bile balik keje tu cube beli sehelai..confirm tido pun nyenak..pastu bangun pagi pun xde sakit2 badan macam ade Ju-on tumpang je i nak cerita sikit testimoni untuk yang pernah pakai BVSM ni..semua untuk sakit yang kritikal tau..Alhamdulillah..semua beransur sembuh..dengan izin Allah..ape yang penting kite kene usaha dulu :)

The first testimony came from a police officer, Sarjan Tarmizi who was paralyze from waist below.Sarjan Tarmizi was involved in accident while he was on duty..Doktor da sahkan yang beliau dikategorikan sebagai orang kurang upaya..sebab lupuh dari pinggang ke bawah..

*Credit photo to Naa

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah S.W.T., selepas menggunakan BVSM beliau boleh berjalan semula berbanding dengan keadaan dahulu.

Testimony number 2 comes from Adik Steven Yeeng who suffered from neurotmesis (kerosakan saraf tunjang) and tuberculosis (penyakit tibi) at the age of 1. 

*Credit photo to Naa

The doctor confirmed that he would be paralyze permanently and would not grow up like other normal kids. But after using BVSM for a month, he managed to walk and run!

Testimony number 3 comes from Kak Effa who has been suffering from asthma since she was a baby.

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah her asthma is now gone. She doesn't need to use an inhaler anymore!

The fourth testimony comes from Dr Hasbi's father. Dr Hasbi shared his father's experience on using BVSM. His father could not walk for over a year ago.

After using BVSM for 3 days, he could stand and walk for 20 metres without support! Syukur, Alhamdulillah. Kita sebagai anak, rasa syukur sangat apabila boleh tengok ayah kita sendiri yang selama ini tidak dapat berjalan dan akhirnya dengan izin Allah boleh berjalan tanpa pertolongan.

The fifth testimony comes from a little boy named Darwish who suffers from Cerebral Palsy (kecacatan saraf otot). This little boy came all the way from Penang.

After using BVSM, he was able to move about actively, his speech was clearer and he could crawl, sit and even run. I was tearing up when listening to his mother. Being a mother myself, of course we want the best for our children. Bila dengar anak dapat panggil kita "Mama" or "Papa' rasa gembira yang tak terhingga sampai boleh menitiskan air mata. 

Bila kita sendiri dah lihat testimony dan bukti para pengguna BVSM, sudah tidak ada ragu-ragu lagi. Kita manusia hanya berikhtiar cari jalan untuk pulih dari penyakit. Kerja memulihkan adalah kerja Allah S.W.T. Yang penting, kita telah berdoa, berusaha, berikhtiar dan bertawakal dan selebihnya kita serahkan kepadaNya. In shaa Allah, dengan izin Allah...kita akan sembuh.

For those interested to purchase BVSM for your loved ones or even for yourself, do contact me!

Ambrina Sabtu

Monday, 25 November 2013


Haa kan i da janji bulan Nov ni memang bulan promotion je tau..sebab nak buat amal jariah skit :)tapi i promise semua promotion yg i buat sangat berbaloi2..check it out!!

set A -
PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET buy 1 set get FREE 1 box of BBPLUS COLLAGEN WORTH RM180!! Ni set cantik luar dalam :)



Set B -

PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET buy 1 set get FREE 1 box of LACTOLITE WORTH RM150!! Ni set selim melim :)


Set c -

PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET buy 1 set get FREE travel pack of MARINE ESSENCE BEAUTY RANGE WORTH RM150!! Ni set cantik dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki :)


So kakak2 yang kat luar tu jangan la lokek nak invest skit untuk diri sendiri..bukan untuk sape2 pun untuk diri n suami kite jugak kan :).sebab PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET ni memang berbaloi untuk dipakai..sebab LIFE TIME WARRANTY n SUPER BRAND ok ;) till we meet again..stay toon for my next update :) kot i murah hati nak buat promotion lain ke kan :)

GLAM hebat!

Saya hebat!

Pasti hebat!

For detail n order,

Ambrina sabtu


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Danial turn 2♥♥

Alhamdulillah..diam tak diam my baby boy da genap 2 years old da pun :) 11 sept 2011..da besar da anak mommy..da paham da bile mommy suruh buat something..cakap pun da jelas butir2 die..

So for danial birthday celebration i memang x plan sangat sebab my hubby xde sepatutnya masa tu..bertugas kat lahad datu..tapi mungkin rezeki danial hubbs dapat keluar dr tempat operasi sebab nak ambik xzam..kebetulan kene pulak kat time birthday danial..yeayyyy!!

So i pun cepat2 tempah kek danial since i memang da buat business dengan GLAMPRENEURS ni so senang bile terkejut tergempar nak buat event ape2..sebab kite ade TIME FREEDOM n inshaAllah soon to be MONEY FREEDOM..aamiin..ok back to the story We had a simple celebration with my lovely family..memang dari kecik lg i diajar untuk birthday we just sambut with family..yg penting we had a blast time n every one was there ;)danial pulak da pandai tiup lilin just die macam shock coz everybody was cheering for him..hehe comel sangat muke confius die tu..

Tak de ape yg mommy harapkan untuk anak mommy yg sorang ni..cuma menjadi anak yg soleh,cemerlang dunia akhirat..aamiin..happy birthday danial!!!

papa tengah nak pasang seems adriana yang terlebih excited nih :)

the birthday cake :) Pocoyo cake..memang anak bujang ni minat sangat dengan pocoyo..

papa tengah pujuk Danial tu blow up the candle..Danial a bit moody time tu..

man to man talk :)comel sangat bile tengok papa and danial sessi slow talk dengan danial..hehe..birthday boy tak nak tiup lilin n tak nak duduk pun dekat kek tu..

at last berjaya pujuk but still menagis sebab suruh tiup kek :) comel..

comel sangat..tersnap pulak gambar MINERAL COFFEE yg sangat hot selling tu :)

last2 adriana yang tiup lilin kat kek tu :)

singging Happy Birthday To Danial :)

nampak Danial senyum :)

Adriana is enjoying the cake..memang yummylicious..
Birthday boy makan kek dengan bersungguh :)
Semangat sungguh bile time makan :)

Happy birthday sayang..semoga menjadi anak yang soleh and cemerlang dunia akhirat..aamiin..

Saturday, 23 November 2013



yeayyy...there is new promotion for BIO VELOCITY SLEEP MATE!!
Dengan 4 unit pembelian BIO VELOCITY SLEEP MATE dalam 1 resit u guys entitled untuk dapatkan harga RM300 ONLY bagi BIO VELOCITY SLEEP MATE yg ke 4!!! Best and sangat akan dapat FREE membership and save almost rm500 ;)

So u guys yang kat luar tu cepat grab peluang ni..bagi 1 kat parent,1 kat mother n father in law,1 pakai sendiri n 1 tu blh simpan incase ade yang berminat nak beli atau pakai dari uollss ;)

Memang bulan Nov ni i buat promotion je..untuk lain2 promotion i update dalam post yg lain ok;)till then..

Glam hebat!

Saya hebat!

Pasti hebat!

For detail n order,

Ambrina sabtu

Friday, 22 November 2013

Majlis Ulangtahun Hai-O Marketing ke-21 (MUT-21)


Ya Allah rase berkurun da tak update blog ni..sebab laptop rosak so memang agak bersawang sikit lah blog i ni kan :) hari ni i nak update sikit pasal life i sepanjang rosak nya lap top i..hehe..

so first skali nak update pasal MUT a.k.a Majlis ulang tahun Hai-O yg ke 21 !! yeayyyy!!
diam tak diam da 21 years old da Company Hai-O menunjukkan betapa kukuh nya company Hai-O ni..the event was celebrated on the 9th November 2013,so berderu la kami GLAMPRENEURS memeriah kan majlis MUT tu..memang sangat-sangat best sebab this is my first time join majlis MUT ni..hehe..lagi pulak ni la time nak tengok all of GLAMPRENEURS melaram sakan :) sebut je desingners dress yang you all nak..semua ade..Rizman Ruzaini,Putra Cosry,Jovian and macam-macam lagi la..time ni la nak pakai dress GLAM2 kan..

MUT-21 took place at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC) in Seri Kembangan. The event started at 12.30 pm in the afternoon until 7 pm. But us GLAMpreneurs were there until 5.30 pm as we had another event that night. Can you guess what it is??? Yup, it was GLAM Night. In shaa Allah, I will blog about that in my next post.

hari tu pun i pagi2 around 10 am da standby untuk di makeup macam nak menikah pun ade gak rasa nye..hehe sebab time i nak kahwin dulu time2 cam ni la mak andam i make up i..hehe :) agak rushing jugak sebenarnya tapi sebab my MUA sangat expert and laju so kejap je die make up kan the way Bella i memang suka n puas hati sangat dengan make up u..sebab tahan sampai malam..infact i sampai rumah araound pukul 2.30 pagi tu pun make up die still cantik and tak bertompok pun..

Natalie Portman :) i minat jugak dengan minah ni sebab die sangat i pun cadang untuk make up camni..simple dimple gitew..

so ini lah muke i selepas diconteng2 sket..same tak macam Natalie Portman tu? Same kan? hahahaha..macam cantik jew..macam comel jew..hahahaha

so mase majlis tu memang sangat-sangat best sebab macam2 event and show enough with all the writing its time to show some pictures pulak..enjoice :)

part of Beautiful Circles yg sgt cantik :)

with CDM Naa Kamaruddin looking gorgeous and glowing in a dress by Rizman Ruzaini ;)
n my future business partner :)
this is when the event was about to begin :)

Our dear Celebrity Mentor CDM Hanis Haizi

GLAM CDMs, 4 of them were crowned as Crown Diamond Manager at this year's MUT.yeaayyy..really pround to be part of GLAMPRENEURS
we also have misha Omar performance and it was AMAZING!!! even i dont really fancy her but i admit i did have a really good time even i blh ikut nyanyi sgt2 :)

After Misha Omar's performance, it was us GLAMpreneurs turn to get ready as CDM Maisarah Ibrahim was about to give her speech. All of us went on stage and waited for the right moment to perform our 'Goyang Duyu' sempena mengiringi CDM Maisarah ke pentas.

Here's CDM Razali Zain, one of our GLAM founder leading us with the 'Goyang Duyu'! its was really the best moment by far..sebab mase ni semua mate tertumpu kat pentas nak tengok GLAMPRENEURS bergoyang Duyu !!

CDM Hanis Haizi & CDM Maisarah Ibrahim at the front!

Us GLAMpreneurs had a blast performing the 'Goyang Duyu'! We really enjoyed ourselves ;)
After the performance ended, CDM Maisarah started her speech which was definitely full on inspiration. Previously, she worked as an Engineer at Perbadanan Putrajaya and was doing this business part time. After a year of doing it part time, she resigned from her job and became a full time GLAMpreneur. 

After CDM Maisarah was finished with her speech...we left MIECC in order to get ready for the next event which was GLAM Night! so nanti i update pasal GLAM Dinner k..tu lagi best bangat..

Till then...

GLAM Hebat

SAYA Hebat

PASTI Hebat!

Ambrina Sabtu