
Friday, 22 November 2013

Majlis Ulangtahun Hai-O Marketing ke-21 (MUT-21)


Ya Allah rase berkurun da tak update blog ni..sebab laptop rosak so memang agak bersawang sikit lah blog i ni kan :) hari ni i nak update sikit pasal life i sepanjang rosak nya lap top i..hehe..

so first skali nak update pasal MUT a.k.a Majlis ulang tahun Hai-O yg ke 21 !! yeayyyy!!
diam tak diam da 21 years old da Company Hai-O menunjukkan betapa kukuh nya company Hai-O ni..the event was celebrated on the 9th November 2013,so berderu la kami GLAMPRENEURS memeriah kan majlis MUT tu..memang sangat-sangat best sebab this is my first time join majlis MUT ni..hehe..lagi pulak ni la time nak tengok all of GLAMPRENEURS melaram sakan :) sebut je desingners dress yang you all nak..semua ade..Rizman Ruzaini,Putra Cosry,Jovian and macam-macam lagi la..time ni la nak pakai dress GLAM2 kan..

MUT-21 took place at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC) in Seri Kembangan. The event started at 12.30 pm in the afternoon until 7 pm. But us GLAMpreneurs were there until 5.30 pm as we had another event that night. Can you guess what it is??? Yup, it was GLAM Night. In shaa Allah, I will blog about that in my next post.

hari tu pun i pagi2 around 10 am da standby untuk di makeup macam nak menikah pun ade gak rasa nye..hehe sebab time i nak kahwin dulu time2 cam ni la mak andam i make up i..hehe :) agak rushing jugak sebenarnya tapi sebab my MUA sangat expert and laju so kejap je die make up kan the way Bella i memang suka n puas hati sangat dengan make up u..sebab tahan sampai malam..infact i sampai rumah araound pukul 2.30 pagi tu pun make up die still cantik and tak bertompok pun..

Natalie Portman :) i minat jugak dengan minah ni sebab die sangat i pun cadang untuk make up camni..simple dimple gitew..

so ini lah muke i selepas diconteng2 sket..same tak macam Natalie Portman tu? Same kan? hahahaha..macam cantik jew..macam comel jew..hahahaha

so mase majlis tu memang sangat-sangat best sebab macam2 event and show enough with all the writing its time to show some pictures pulak..enjoice :)

part of Beautiful Circles yg sgt cantik :)

with CDM Naa Kamaruddin looking gorgeous and glowing in a dress by Rizman Ruzaini ;)
n my future business partner :)
this is when the event was about to begin :)

Our dear Celebrity Mentor CDM Hanis Haizi

GLAM CDMs, 4 of them were crowned as Crown Diamond Manager at this year's MUT.yeaayyy..really pround to be part of GLAMPRENEURS
we also have misha Omar performance and it was AMAZING!!! even i dont really fancy her but i admit i did have a really good time even i blh ikut nyanyi sgt2 :)

After Misha Omar's performance, it was us GLAMpreneurs turn to get ready as CDM Maisarah Ibrahim was about to give her speech. All of us went on stage and waited for the right moment to perform our 'Goyang Duyu' sempena mengiringi CDM Maisarah ke pentas.

Here's CDM Razali Zain, one of our GLAM founder leading us with the 'Goyang Duyu'! its was really the best moment by far..sebab mase ni semua mate tertumpu kat pentas nak tengok GLAMPRENEURS bergoyang Duyu !!

CDM Hanis Haizi & CDM Maisarah Ibrahim at the front!

Us GLAMpreneurs had a blast performing the 'Goyang Duyu'! We really enjoyed ourselves ;)
After the performance ended, CDM Maisarah started her speech which was definitely full on inspiration. Previously, she worked as an Engineer at Perbadanan Putrajaya and was doing this business part time. After a year of doing it part time, she resigned from her job and became a full time GLAMpreneur. 

After CDM Maisarah was finished with her speech...we left MIECC in order to get ready for the next event which was GLAM Night! so nanti i update pasal GLAM Dinner k..tu lagi best bangat..

Till then...

GLAM Hebat

SAYA Hebat

PASTI Hebat!

Ambrina Sabtu

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