Hi guys..Assalammualaikum..
ramai sgt whataps i tanye ape bende la BIO VELOCITY SLEEP MATE tu..so hari ni i nak terang secara panjang lebar ok pasal BVSM tu :)
What about BVSM? What is it? The healing power of BVSM can easily regain your balance and health. BVSM ni merupakan pelapik tilam yang disulam secara khusus untuk memenuhi keperluan setiap individu.. The BVSM helps to correct disharmonic vibration frequencies, counter and negate this pathology wave whilst amplifying the positive physiological waves which build up a healthy aura in our body.By influencing the energy flow, we remind the body of its natural state of health. A harmonious flow of life energy throughout the body is expressed physically in balanced cellular and biochemical activity and increases the overall activity of body and mind. When you wake up, you feel invigorated and energetic. For long term usage, it is beneficial to our body in terms of maintaining our health enhancing our immunity and the quality of life.
So semua orang pun blh pakai tau BVSM ni dari baby sampai la atuk baby hehe :) i panggil tilam magic..sebab kalau pakai time tido malam je esok pagi2 bangun memang cergas je..sebab die da lancarkan perjalanan darah kite..so tido tu da macam orang pengsan :) so abang2 yg mengadu penat bile balik keje tu cube beli sehelai..confirm tido pun nyenak..pastu bangun pagi pun xde sakit2 badan macam ade Ju-on tumpang je kan..hehe..so i nak cerita sikit testimoni untuk yang pernah pakai BVSM ni..semua untuk sakit yang kritikal tau..Alhamdulillah..semua beransur sembuh..dengan izin Allah..ape yang penting kite kene usaha dulu :)
The first testimony came from a police officer, Sarjan Tarmizi who was paralyze from waist below.Sarjan Tarmizi was involved in accident while he was on duty..Doktor da sahkan yang beliau dikategorikan sebagai orang kurang upaya..sebab lupuh dari pinggang ke bawah..
*Credit photo to Naa
Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah S.W.T., selepas menggunakan BVSM beliau boleh berjalan semula berbanding dengan keadaan dahulu.
Testimony number 2 comes from Adik Steven Yeeng who suffered from neurotmesis (kerosakan saraf tunjang) and tuberculosis (penyakit tibi) at the age of 1.
*Credit photo to Naa
The doctor confirmed that he would be paralyze permanently and would not grow up like other normal kids. But after using BVSM for a month, he managed to walk and run!
Testimony number 3 comes from Kak Effa who has been suffering from asthma since she was a baby.
Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah her asthma is now gone. She doesn't need to use an inhaler anymore!
The fourth testimony comes from Dr Hasbi's father. Dr Hasbi shared his father's experience on using BVSM. His father could not walk for over a year ago.
After using BVSM for 3 days, he could stand and walk for 20 metres without support! Syukur, Alhamdulillah. Kita sebagai anak, rasa syukur sangat apabila boleh tengok ayah kita sendiri yang selama ini tidak dapat berjalan dan akhirnya dengan izin Allah boleh berjalan tanpa pertolongan.
The fifth testimony comes from a little boy named Darwish who suffers from Cerebral Palsy (kecacatan saraf otot). This little boy came all the way from Penang.
After using BVSM, he was able to move about actively, his speech was clearer and he could crawl, sit and even run. I was tearing up when listening to his mother. Being a mother myself, of course we want the best for our children. Bila dengar anak dapat panggil kita "Mama" or "Papa' rasa gembira yang tak terhingga sampai boleh menitiskan air mata.
Bila kita sendiri dah lihat testimony dan bukti para pengguna BVSM, sudah tidak ada ragu-ragu lagi. Kita manusia hanya berikhtiar cari jalan untuk pulih dari penyakit. Kerja memulihkan adalah kerja Allah S.W.T. Yang penting, kita telah berdoa, berusaha, berikhtiar dan bertawakal dan selebihnya kita serahkan kepadaNya. In shaa Allah, dengan izin Allah...kita akan sembuh.
For those interested to purchase BVSM for your loved ones or even for yourself, do contact me!
Ambrina Sabtu
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